Women’s Health

Harnessing the Nine Hallmarks of Aging

Greg Macpherson, biotechnologist, pharmacist and author of “Harnessing the Nine Hallmarks of Aging,” returns to Late Night Health. He talks about senescent cells, also known as “zombie cells,” which accumulate with age and are associated with many disease states people experience later in life, can add a roadblock to your health now. Senescent cells are …

Learn About Heart Health w/ Vesna Skul, MD, FACP

This edition of late Night Health focuses on heart health. Some of the topics covered include. Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States.  Cardiovascular disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined.  We can now treat the root cause of all cardiovascular issues in …

Stay Young and Healthy With Dr. Seema Bonney

Dr. Seema Bonney is the founder and medical director of the Anti-Aging & Longevity Center of Philadelphia. She is dual board certified in Emergency Medicine and Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, but practices patient-centered, not disease centered medicine. Her practice is a lifestyle and functional medicine practice that is committed to helping clients maximize their immune system, prevent disease and …

The Vegan Lifestyle – The Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute

The Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute addresses the root causes of these lifestyle-based diseases and doesn’t just treat the symptoms. We are dedicated to educating individuals about the power of a whole food plant-based diet and its proven ability to heal the body from within. The American College of Lifestyle Medicine defines Lifestyle Medicine as the use of …

Love Is The Strongest Medicine

late night health love is the strongest medicine

In Dr. Steven Eisenberg’s oncology practice, the enemy is cancer, but it’s also denial, anger, and fear–draining emotions that can interfere with the effectiveness of treatment. Every day, Dr. Steven helps patients fight cancer using both time-tested conventional therapies and innovative medical technologies. At the same time, he helps them overcome negative emotions by cultivating …

Allergies During Worst Season Ever Could Cause Heart Disease

Stephen Sinatra, MD, cardiologist and best-selling author of nearly two dozen books on natural health and healing says while spring is the time when people start to talk about allergies a new study suggests that temperature increases lead to more pollen production, which can be a major irritant for those with respiratory issues like asthma, …

Handling The Sneezes of Spring Naturally!

As of May 2020, Maryann Castello has been appointed to the Association of Professional Ballplayers of America as the Assistant to the President and the Director of Health & Wellness Services, Member of the Advisory Board, and an APBPA Ambassador where she brings her expertise and compassion through her multi-disciplinary approach to the healing arts …

Your Mom Was Right – Good Posture Matters

  AlignMed and Evidence-Based Apparel® are a lifestyle technology designed, researched and developed with an esteemed group of physicians and sports scientists (Alignmed Medical Advisory Panel – AMAP).  The science and technology encompass exoskeletal garments with an anatomic matrix of bands, panels and seams, collectively referred to as NeuroBands®. NeuroBands and Evidence-Based Apparel are a wearable therapy to retrain muscles and …