Alternative Medicine

The Sky’s the Limit for Drone Use In the Healthcare Industry

Although awareness of and appreciation for commercial drone systems are growing, many medical businesses are unaware of the opportunities drones offer to achieve better business practices, streamline solutions, elevate profitability and save human lives! Barry Alexander, founder and CEO of Aquiline Drones (AD), a CT-based drone manufacturer and cloud solutions company, joins Mark to learn …

Be Your Own Medical Intuitive

Medical intuition is not a gift that only a few people in the world have.  Medical intuition is a learned skill that can help one learn, heal, and master their life in profound new levels. The term “medical intuition” is about the absolute interconnectedness between our emotions, our bodies, our thoughts, our life struggles.  Medical intuition assesses …

Organic & Natural Health Association Supporting HBCU Students Interested in Natural Health Careers With Fundraiser

To further its commitment in raising a minimum of $50,000 for the Williams-Franklin Foundation (WFF) during the next five years to support education expenses for students of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) who are interested in careers in natural health and healthcare, Organic & Natural Health Association will host a networking event to fundraise …

Learning Science Easily with Fascinating Education

What is the unique approach of Fascinating Education? Dr. Margulies flips the teaching process in Fascinating Education courses by approaching science through the “right hemisphere” of the brain.  He uses simple, colorful illustrations, supplemented with attached audio files to explain the illustrations. The result is an easy way to learn science. He shares how his …