
Art To Heal The World

Nita Patel logo

Before Nita Patel applies a single brushstroke to her paintings, she takes a moment to sit with the canvas and pay close attention to its energetic qualities. She then marks the surface with an infinity symbol, or lemniscate, in an effort to imbue the surface with infinite possibilities for creation and reception. Aesthetically Patel’s work shares similarities …

Healthy Holiday Tips With Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

Does the thought of Thanksgiving fill you with joyful anticipation or dread and anxiety? For most, the holidays are more than a little stressful. And for those who are already struggling with chronic fatigue, pain, or long COVID, the added holiday stresses and sugar intake can actually trigger a flare of symptoms and exhaustion. “While …

Find A Place For Me – Embracing Love and Life in the Face of Death


Find a Place for Me: Embracing Love and Life in the Face of Death (Pact Press, November 1, 2022) is an award-winning memoir about facing a marriage’s last act—a spouse’s death—as a couple united in mind and holding hands. Author Deirdre Fagan, D.A., was married eleven years and had two young children when her forty-three-year-old husband …

What Would You Do If Your Child Was Autistic?

Announcing: The  NYC Autism Tech, Innovation & Careers Expo Saturday, October 22 – 9:00am – High School of Art and Design – 245 E 56th St, NYC “[As] the parent of a young woman diagnosed with neurodiversity and [having extensive professional experience in this field, attending Richard Schreiber’s July 2022 NYC Autism Summit, gave me] a whole …

What You Eat Can Make You Cranky – and More!

Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, MD, author of “The Prime” and “Sound Medicine,” ​​says what you eat could be causing your mood disorder, but consulting your dosha could help. Dr. Chaudhary is an internationally recognized experWhether you are feeling anxious, irritable, depressed, restless or empty could have a lot to do with your dosha type and what …