
How To Succeed in Meditation Without Really Trying!

Bliss More by Light Watkins My meditation teaching job includes preparing my students for the counterintuitive path to mastery: It is a process of learning something new, applying it in a controlled environment, failing, asking questions, reapplying with new understanding, refining the approach, realizing they’re not actually failing even when it feels like they are, …

Music To Soothe The Savage Beast – You!

Sound Health, Healing Music, Meditation and Mindfulness We’re all familiar with the general concept of the healing powers of music. It’s usually songs with words that we turn to for emotional Support in times of tragedy, for instance. Less well known is the healing power of tone and mindful composition techniques that make it easy …

2018: The Year of the Consumer

2018: The Year of the Consumer By: Karen Howard, CEO and Executive Director of Organic & Natural Health Association @OrgNatHealth We no longer have to wonder about the impact of the FDA’s budget being frozen, a federal hiring freeze, or a full-out directive to terminate and prevent promulgation of ‘most’ regulations. The natural products industry, …