
Jaden’s Voice – Autism Friendly Environment

Finding just the right holiday gift is often a challenging task. The selection process is further complicated when the recipient has Autism Spectrum Disorder. According to Terri Matthews, Executive Producer of “On the Spectrum,” Mother, CEO and Founder of Jaden’s Voice, http://jadensvoice.org, terrimatthews.info, consider giving gifts that are calming in nature, facilitate communication, are tactile …

Be Stroke Savvy With Dr. Ken Redcross

Ken Redcross, MD

Strokes are the leading cause of disability in America and can result in depression, personality changes, poor memory, faulty judgment, concentration challenges, visual impairments and weakness. When it comes to the basics of stroke awareness most people know the risk factors that include: uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea; …