Month: August 2022

Love Letters From Janey – 50 Years of Breaking Barriers Together

For decades, Asian-Americans have been discriminated against in the United States. In 1882 the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed prohibiting all Chinese laborers. It was the first law in the U.S. that prohibited immigration solely based on race. Author Richard Cheu’s father, who was born in China, was not able to legally emigrate to the …

Straight Teeth For Health & Good Looks

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SIMPLE ALIGNERS  For the past 20 years, “invisible aligners” – dental treatment designed to make an attractive smile available to everyone – has been one of the fastest-growing sectors in medicine, as this innovative technology transcends the field of traditional orthodontia, with its brackets and wires.  At this pivotal time in the field of dentistry, …

Using Functional Mushrooms As Natural Medicine To Unearth Your Potentia

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Written by: Del Jolly Del Jolly is an Advocate & Educator who is focused on shifting the cultural narrative on stigmatized plant and fungi medicine. Del worked as part of Decriminalize Denver, the historic psilocybin initiative that took place in May of 2019, and Charlotte’s Web CBD before co-founding Unlimited Sciences, a psychedelic research nonprofit …