Walking With My Angels – A True Story

Author, speaker, book publisher, musician Keith Leon S. nearly died eight times. His life was spared each time by angels. He says the angels are guiding every one of us to transform the world by transforming ourselves.  Thirty years ago the angelic beings told him he would write a book that would change lives and that anyone who held this book in their hands would be raised to their next level of vibration.  It took years for this to come to pass, but it did and the result is Keith sharing his story in his latest book, Walking With My Angels. Keith has been shown how to simply teach all of us how to access our own inner guidance, our angels. Keith has witnessed many miracles.  He has witnessed time reverse.  The stories of his adventures with his angels are thrilling as well as being full of humor and wonder. Keith is now on a mission to introduce regular people, just like him, to their heavenly helpers in this pivotal time in history.  He wants to give us tools to combat the fear that is being sold to us daily in many ways.  The timing for this information to be released could not be more perfect as hopelessness sees to be running rampant in our culture. Keith’s mission includes bringing joy and hope into the lives of everyone he meets.  His angelic guidance has inspired him to mount a one-year tour where he will share his angelic message in workshops, book signings and media events.  Some of Keith’s workshops will also be based on his book publishing experience.  He has helped thousands of people create their books by finding their voice through words.

For more information please visit: www.walkingwithmyangelsbook.com

Walking With My Angels

Walking With My Angels Part 2

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