How To Feed A Human!

The TV IS To Loud – Please Turn It Down — Mark Alyn Talks About Hearing Aids


When was the last time you and your friends talked about your health and bragged how great you felt? If such a conversation seems impossible, you’ll enjoy Mark Alyn’s interview with Dr. Robyn, competitive volleyball player turned psychologist specializing in nutrition.

Wanting to bridge the gap between the desire to have the health to live the life she wanted and HOW to actually achieve it, Dr Robyn co-founded the Whole Food Muscle Club, an online resource providing the science-backed tools telling you what eat, when to eat and most importantly, addressing why you eat.

The sad truth is that most of us behave as if our health is an inconvenience. We expect food to be quick, easy and convenient. The food industry has been more than happy to rake in the profits creating fake food that is all those things but devoid of nutrition. As a result, we suffer from obesity, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure at alarming rates.

Tack on the industry’s ability to exploit our not knowing what hunger really is, emotional eating, Pavlovian eating and addictive eating by making food just the right combination of fat, sugar and salt and we’ve created a health epidemic of epic proportions.

Dr Robyn’s medical doctor told her she should just accept weight gain and taking daily pills as a reality of aging. But she knew that couldn’t be right. Humans couldn’t be designed to live the last twenty or thirty years of their lives being kept alive but not thriving by modern medicine.

There is a secret to achieving and maintaining ideal health as we age and Dr Robyn spent thousands of hours looking for that secret, culminating in studying at the Center for Nutrition Studies a Cornell University. When she found it and was able to get back to her ideal weight and bring her cholesterol down without portion control, diets, counting calories or stress, she knew she had to share it with the world.

With a mission to help 100,000 improve their health in the next five years, Dr Robyn has partnered with her husband Russ, a former competitive bodybuilder and trainer on the Mr. Olympia Tour, to create a blueprint of how to easily achieve and maintain your ideal health, weight and peace of mind when it comes to food. Your health is your number one most valuable asset. Don’t treat it like an inconvenience.

Dr. Robyn and Russ’ new book, “How to Feed a Human: The Whole Food Muscle Way” is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

You can connect with them directly and join the Whole Food Muscle Club on

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How To Feed A Human

How To Feed A Human – Part 2


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