Senior Health

When Families Need To Make A Choice About A Parent – Now With Covid-19

WHEN FAMILIES NEED TO MAKE AN AGONIZING CHOICE ABOUT A PARENT  It’s an agonizing decision at any time: keep a parent at home or find somewhere else for them to live. Their parents Alzheimer’s disease has become more than can be managed.  An elderly man has a stroke and his wife, elderly too, does not …

For The Biome – A Look At Wellness With Paul Schulick

Paul Schulick’s passion for natural healing began as a young child while accompanying his pediatrician dad on house calls. Paul understood that it wasn’t simply the medicine that enlivened healing, but the loving care emanating from his father to his patients. In the early 1970s, Paul embarked on a formal study of alternative health through …

Boost Your Immune System Featuring Michael T. Murray, ND

Dr. Murray is one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. He has published over 30 books featuring natural approaches to health. He is a graduate, former faculty member, and serves on the Board of Regents of Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Murray is the Chief Science Officer of Enzymedica. The Science Behind …

Dr. Pot Talks Cannabis

While going through cancer treatment, Dr. Flannery’s mom sought recommendations for safely medicating with Cannabis. Dr. Flannery’s unmatched expertise in the field and his absolute vigilance for his mom’s health created the most stringent standards – no applied chemicals, no pesticides, and no additional risks of being harmful to his mother. Dr. Robert Flannery is …

Coachillin’ – A Cannabis City in the Desert!

The Coachillin’ Industrial Cultivation & Ancillary Canna-Business Park The 160-acre Coachillin’ Canna-Business Park (located in the southern California city of Desert Hot Springs) is bringing together industry-leading professionals with global affiliations and stands alone as the first & largest cooperative canna-business compound of its kind.  It’s designed to be a center of excellence & innovation, setting …

How to Be Comfortable While Sitting At Your Computer During The Covid-19 Crisis

Many Americans who are in quarantine due to the coronavirus are finding themselves sitting at a computer for long periods of time throughout the day and are developing repetitive strain injuries such as neck and shoulder pain or carpel tunnel syndrome. These injuries are caused by overusing the same position while using the computer. In …

How To Cope With Stress in These Uncertain Times

A TOP DOCTOR PROVIDES NATURAL WAYALLEVIATE ANXIETY DURING THE PANDEMIC Author Ken Redcross, MD, Provides Homeopathic & Stress Relief Strategies as Alternatives to Habit-Forming Conventional Medicines As we all deal with the stress of the pandemic, it’s important to realize what it can do to our health and well-being. On May 7th, Ken Redcross, MD, a board-certified …

AARP Investigates Fraud & Scams Against Seniors (and Others)

Every day we hear countless stories of incredible people doing amazing things during this coronavirus pandemic. From doctors and nurses fighting the battle in emergency rooms nationwide to neighbors helping their community by donating food and supplies to those in need. With so many of us doing our best in dealing with this unprecedented epidemic, …

Supplements and Covid-19

From the CEO of Youtheory Regarding COVID-19 Our hearts and prayers go out to everyone who has been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As a family-owned nutrition-based health and wellness company committed to making high-quality supplements for those in need, we want to provide you with an update on the actions the Youtheory brand …