A Million Words Away: 12 Books vs. 1 Brain Tumor

Three years ago, author and accomplished ghostwriter Ian Blake Newhem was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Not just any tumor though, one that sits immediately next to the brain’s language expression center. Surgery removed 80% of the tumor, but doctors told him it would most likely return in a few years’ time, removing his ability to speak and write before eventually killing him.

For the past fifteen years, Blake has had careers as a college professor of writing, a journalist, and most notably as a successful ghostwriter. In this latter role, Blake has worked with famous doctors, athletes, celebrities, and politicians. Some of these books have attained the highly coveted “bestseller” label with both Amazon and the New York Times and one was even endorsed by the Pope.

With all of his success over the years in writing books and obtaining publishing deals for others, Blake had neglected his own voice, his own personal works. As he recovered from his surgery, he began to develop a plan. Taking his knowledge of platform building for authors he decided the best way to get his unpublished manuscripts out there was to go big or go home. He decided he would publish a book a month for a year. 12 books vs. 1 tumor.

Vist Bake at his website: https://amillionwordsaway.com/  

Listen to this frank discussion on life with Blake and Mark:

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