Women’s Health

Healthy Weight Loss That Works!

  Beautiful Journey Recovery Center A California Professional Licensed Clinical Social Worker Corporation was founded by Neli Pashikova, LCSW in 2018. Neli Pashikova attended the University of California Davis for undergraduate studies earning degrees in Psychology and Russian. Ms. Pashikova continued her education at California State University Dominguez Hills, earning a Master’s degree in Social …

A Glass Half Empty ?…Or Half Full?- A Look At Taking Your Own Life!

A new book “A Glass Half Empty?…or Half Full: A Children’s Book for Grown-ups” by Calabasas, CA resident Danny Schuck takes a childlike, playful approach to exploring pessimism vs. optimism to find balance, manage stress and enjoy life. According to Schuck, the book uses humor and innocence to provide PERSPECTIVE—the opportunity to determine the fullness …

Transform Your Life and Thrive

  Julie Rosenberg, MD (http://www.julierosenbergmd.com) is a pediatric oncologist and pharmaceutical executive who oversees global drug development programs in service to patients with cancer. In addition, Dr. Rosenberg has devoted the last 16 years to the in-depth study and practice of yoga. Julie has integrated her corporate learnings with her deep understanding of the philosophical …