Bolivar Heights: When Failure

In his new book, Bolivar Heights: When Failure is Not Final, author and minister, Leighton Kramer, examines the realities and challenges of the ecclesiastical world as seen through the lens of one man’s spiritual journey through them.

Kramer, a writer of Holiness literature, received his Bachelor’s degree in Religious Education at the Bible Missionary Institute in Rock Island, Illinois. He is currently attending a graduate program in Theology at Cairn University in Philadelphia.

“The world doesn’t know how to handle failure- it is equally my conviction that failure does not have to be final. Past mistakes and failures should be taken seriously.  It is important to learn from them but not be taken hostage by them,” Kramer noted.

“I wrote “Bolivar Heights: When Failure is not final” with the view to help readers restore mental and spiritual equilibrium and restore again that elusive but ever invaluable sweet rest of heart, soul, and mind,” Kramer explained.

“In the book, I have created a world of a called preacher trapped within a turbulent and uncertain period defined by the pull of romantic affection, the pain, and need for forgiveness as well as the power of restoration,” Kramer said. “The story exemplifies my belief of how love can overcome fear, hope can overcome despair, and the human spirit can rise to embrace spiritual renewal in the face of devastating loss and personal destruction.”

“It calls on the reader to examine his/her own life in a very personal, pointed, and powerful way. The reader will doubtless find themselves asking throughout the book- what would I have done? Or how would I have responded? What is right here?”, he added.

A prolific writer, his second work “Fire Side Chats” is a biographical devotional that speaks to the personal spiritual growth and development in the heart and life of believers will be coming out in late 2020.

Bolivar Heights is available at Barnes and Noble and on Amazon.

Bolivar Heights

Bolivar Heights Part 2

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