Inaugural National Summit on Mental Health and Fitness

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The International Association of Human Values (IAHV) and its founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will host its Inaugural National Summit on Mental Health and Fitness in Denver, CO on July 22-25, 2019. The event aims to disrupt outdated approaches to Mental Health by bringing in experts and change-makers to share their unique vision and expertise with the goal of producing an integrated mental health model that focuses on the whole person.

American Author, Writer, and Activist and the Presidential candidate for 2020, Marianne Williamson will be opening the conference. Expert speakers at the Summit include Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, celebrated humanitarian and peacemaker; Tim Ryan, Congressman and Presidential candidate OH-13; Dr Nata Menabde, Executive Director, World Health Organization Office at the United Nations; Bill Milliken, Founder & Vice Chairman, Communities in Schools; Barbara Van Dahlen, Founder & President of Give an Hour Psychologist; and Emma Seppala, Science Director, Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education.

The Summit aims to bring together experts with varied expertise from diverse fields to build a holistic approach for faster interventions, lower-cost treatments and efficient ways to curb violence and crimes through mental health prevention. Experts will discuss and present integrated strategies that enhance positive emotions, life satisfaction, and spirituality while addressing biological, cultural and economic approaches to treating mental health.

The Summit will conclude on July 24th with the largest meditation event in U.S. history America Meditates, in Denver’s City Park, will bring together community, raising awareness and inspiring the public to stand together for better mental well-being. On July 25th there will be a policy-making lunch and round table by application for the changemakers in their organizations. Sam Beard and Bill Milliken will be putting the collective wisdom into new policy initiatives.

Katherine Sellery has spent the last 30 years living in Hong Kong. Having studied Chinese in University she then began her career teaching in China at the end of the Cultural Revolution returning in 1989 to Hong Kong as a metals trader. In the midst of running a trading and manufacturing firm the last 30 years, she stumbled on her true love working with parent communities to heal relationships within families and move beyond transgenerational dysfunctional communication patterns. In 2008 she wrote A Guidance Approach to Parenting workbook with two colleagues and has taught 1000’s of parents her 8 week, 24-hour course in Conscious and Effective parenting. Recently she has taken it to an online platform. She has three TEDx talks coming up this Fall. To learn more go to

Inaugural National Summit on Mental Health and Fitness

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