After the Elephant Recap: Supplements/Ingredients/Pet Panel 

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In the supplements/ingredients/pet panel “After the Elephant” discussion of “Identifying the Elephant in the Room: Critical Communications Strategies in the Face of Sexism’,” host of Late Night Health Radio, Mark Alyn, moderated the conversation with guests: Tyshawn Bryant, CEO of Green Regimen, Lillian Cartwright,  board member of Naturally New York and Thomas Aarts, founder and managing director of Nutrition Business Advisors, respond and discuss session five of the sexism seminar series and challenge other leaders in the industry to do some deep work to make meaningful and fundamental changes when it comes to sexism within the natural products industry. The discussion included some key takeaways and memorable moments including:

Bryant started by stating that there is a clear theme and it’s that the younger generation is moving the older generation forward and pushing the boundaries toward more inclusion. He mentions that the younger generations are the ones that want to make a change, as the older generation can be complacent. Tyshawn states, “Acceptance is really what’s necessary, and from acceptance, we can come to a compromise and make this place a better place to be.”

Cartwright spoke on how it’s hard when the ownership falls on the shoulders of the marginalized population to educate the broader population. Cartwright states, “If you’re not able to find a reason to care, if it doesn’t change your life in any way, you’re less likely to take action against it.” Cartwright finds that women and minorities have to step up, help each other out and give other people something to listen to and potentially influence their decisions down the road.

Another theme noted in the discussion was the male guests acknowledging that they want to learn from this series and are still learning, as they don’t want to unintentionally say a sexist comment or make someone uncomfortable.

Aarts said that he didn’t always think about these topics of inclusion and sexism before but expressed that he “needs to be more careful with my communication.” Aarts states he’s a naturally social person and with that, he needs to be more aware of social cues in professional settings.

Alyn wrapped up the session by asking the guests what solutions can be implemented today to help solve this problem. Aart recommended putting women in positions of power while Cartwright believes in creating mandates like workforces made up of 50% men and 50% women.

Session Five Action Items:
Treat people how you would want to be treated.
Don’t assume a woman is aggressive when she’s being assertive.
Accept others first before questioning them.
Create safe spaces for marginalized groups.
Have younger generations challenge traditional/outdated norms.
Question others when they hand you a “sexist task” (like making coffee runs).
Put more women in leadership positions.

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Watch After The Elephant Here:

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